16 Youth Basketball Dribbling Drills

16 Youth Basketball Dribbling Drills

Basketball is a fast-paced, dynamic sport that requires players to have strong dribbling skills. For youth players especially, developing these skills at an early age is essential for their overall growth in the game. Let’s take a look at some of the dribbling drills young basketball players can incorporate into their practice routine to level up their ball handling abilities.

Dribbling Drills for Beginners

It’s crucial for beginners to develop a strong foundation in dribbling techniques. The following dribbling drills are geared specifically toward young players who are just beginning to focus on basic dribbling skills, control, and coordination.

Stationary Drills

  • Dribble low drill: Players practice bouncing the basketball while maintaining a low stance. The objective is to keep the ball below knee level throughout the drill, which helps develop ball control and strengthens hand-eye coordination. Players can start by dribbling with one hand and then alternate to the other hand.

  • Control and change of direction drill: Players start by dribbling with one hand and then switch to the other hand while changing direction. This helps improve their ambidexterity and overall ball handling skills.

  • Speed dribble drill: Players should focus on maintaining control of the ball while dribbling as fast as they can from one end of the court to the other. This drill helps develop their speed and agility.

Fun Dribbling Games

  • Dribble tag: Players pair up, and each player has a basketball. One player is the designated "tagger," and the other is the "dribbler." The tagger must try to tag the dribbler while the dribbler tries to avoid being tagged by dribbling around the court. This game not only improves dribbling skills but also enhances decision-making under pressure.

  • Dribble relay race: Divide the players into teams and set up a relay race course. Each player in the team takes turns dribbling the ball through the course, then passing it to the next player in line. The team that completes the relay race first wins. This game focuses on speed, control, and teamwork.

Drills for Advanced Youth and Intermediate Players

As youth players progress in their basketball journey and become more advanced, it’s important to challenge them with basketball drills that push their dribbling skills to the next level. These drills focus on advanced dribbling techniques in addition to speed, agility, decision-making, and hand-eye coordination.


Stationary Drills

  • Figure 8 dribbling drill: Players start by dribbling the ball in a figure 8 pattern between their legs while maintaining a low stance. They can then progress to more complex variations, such as incorporating crossovers or “behind-the-back dribbles” into the figure 8 pattern.

  • Two-ball dribbling drill: This drill challenges players to dribble two basketballs simultaneously, one in each hand, improving their ambidexterity, ball control, and overall dribbling skills.

  • Moving Drills

    • Speed and change of direction drill: Players start at one end of the court and dribble the ball at full speed while performing quick change of direction moves. They can incorporate crossovers, “between-the-legs dribbles,” and “behind-the-back dribbles” to challenge their ball handling skills.

    • Dribble attack drill: The dribble attack drill simulates game-like situations in which players need to dribble aggressively toward the basket. Players start at the perimeter and dribble toward the hoop, using various moves and changes of speed to get past defenders. This drill enhances players' ability to attack the basket, make quick decisions, and finish strong at the rim.

    Fun Dribbling Games

    • Dribble knockout: Players form a circle and each player has a basketball. The objective is to knock other players' basketballs out of the circle while protecting their own. The last player with their ball in the circle wins. This game improves dribbling under pressure and enhances competitiveness.

    • Dribble tag with obstacles: Similar to the regular dribble tag game, players pair up and one player is designated as the "tagger." However, in this version, there are obstacles placed around the court that players must navigate while dribbling. The tagger must try to tag the other player while they dribble through the obstacles.

    Youth Team Dribbling Drills

    Developing strong dribbling skills as a team is just as crucial for youth players as it is to develop their individual skills. Here’s a variety of team dribbling drills that simulate game-like situations and promote teamwork.

    • Dribble relay: Divide the team into two equal groups and line them up on opposite sides of the court. The first player from each team starts with a basketball. On the coach's signal, the players dribble toward the opposite end, passing the ball to the next player in line. The team that completes the relay first wins. 
    • Zigzag dribble: Set up cones or markers in a zigzag pattern on the court. Each player starts at the first cone and dribbles through the pattern, maintaining control of the ball while changing direction. Players must focus on quick dribbling, maintaining a low stance, and protecting the ball from defenders.
    • 5-on-5 full-court dribble: Divide the team into two teams of five players each. Set up the full court and play a regular game with one modification — every player must dribble the ball at least once before attempting a shot. This drill encourages players to utilize their dribbling skills in a game-like setting, while also improving their decision-making and passing abilities.
    • Dribble and kick: Set up a half-court area with cones or markers and divide the team into two groups. One group starts with the ball and must dribble toward the cones, drawing defenders toward them. The dribbler then kicks the ball out to a teammate on the perimeter, who attempts a shot. The other group defends and tries to steal the ball.
    • 3-on-3 dribble attack: Divide the team into two groups of three players each. Set up three small goals on each end of the court. The teams play a 3-on-3 game in which every player must dribble the ball inside the three-point line before attempting a shot.

    By practicing these essential basketball dribbling drills and game-like scenarios, both beginners and more advanced youth players can enhance their ball handling skills and gain confidence on the court. With dedication, perseverance, and regular basketball practice, they’ll become proficient dribblers, ultimately elevating their overall performance. So what are you waiting for? Encourage them to hit the court, master those dribbling skills, and excel in the game of basketball!

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